Completed Search : Alois JANOSIK

Can you possibly help us?

We were searching for

Alois JANOSIK whose last known address was (28 May 1930)
401 East 72 Street in New York

The search is being conducted at the request of an attorney in Prague, Czech Republic because Alois Janosik has a right to reclaim a property in Prague which was stolen from the family by the Nazi Regime in Prague in 1940.

If Alois JANOSIK is no longer alive, we need to find details of his death, and to establish who his heirs were, because these property rights pass on by inheritance.

Mr. Alois Janosik signed a power of attorney on 28 May 1930 in favour of Antonin LIBERSKY and authorized him to purchase two building plots in Prague.

The POA was signed in the office of Joseph A. MODR, Notary Public, New York, County N.Y.
Also mentioned on the document:
Co. Clk´s No. 208, Reg. No. 2M154 Bronx
Co. Clk´s No. 20 Reg. No 3285 Queens
Co. Clk´s No. 373 Reg. No. 2389 Commission Expires March 30 1932

The signature of the notary Joseph A. MODR who authenticated the signature of Alois Janosik is further verified by Daniel E. FINN, Clerk of Countyof New York, and also Clerk of the Supreme Court for the said County

Do you recognize any of this?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

Please e-mail me at searchandunitem [AT] lewinsdlondon [DOT] org [DOT] uk

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