Vincencie Kohoutova

We are NO LONGER searching for the family of Vincencie KOHOUT(ova) originally from Czechoslovakia whose last known address in 1937 was in Vienna, "Wien, Universumstrasse 40/5, Austria"

She was the granddaughter of Terezie SKOPAL(ova)

We have learned that

Josef KOHOUT, was born on 16 Mar 1895 in Protivin. was the husband of Vinzenzia, who was born on 1 April 1894 in Cechovice,

They lived from 17 Feb 1930 until 7 Oct 1944 at 20. Universumstraße 44/15 died on 7 Oct 1944 in Vienna.

Vinzenzia KOHOUT, nee SKOPAL was born 1 Apr.1894 in Tschechowitz, lived at that address until her death on 30.1.1969

Do you recognize any of these names?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

please e-mail me at searchandunite [at] lewinsdlondon.org.uk

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