The State Museum Of Auschwitz-Birkenau & Remember.Org Present

Birkenau Ramp- Where people first arrived and were unloaded

As you scroll left the SS orderly room on the Birkenau Ramp comes into view.

Immediately after disembarking from the trains, the Jews, and others, were made to line up in two columns: women and children in one, and men in the other.

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Birkenau Ramp

The Unloading Birkenau Ramp

The virtual tour opens to view of a brick building – in use to delouse prisoner’s uniforms as louse-born diseases ran rampant.

On the right is the “Mittelstrasse” road that runs the entire width of the camp.

Continuing to scroll left you come to the women’s camp, BIa to the right of the ramp. and then the camp entrance.

All one need do to glimpse the scope and vastness of the Nazi plan for extermination is stand at this spot and look round in all directions.

Scroll to the left and notice the vast expanse of the BII with its many sub-camps, first BIIf,e,d, the other part of the Mittelstrasse, and then BIIc,b,a (see map).

BII – including 7 separate camps  – those for men, women, and two “family camps”.

A bit further on to the far end of the ramp are ruins of Krematorium II, the Memorial and Krematorium III which are all hard to view here.

Along its length, the road to the left leading to the two largest gas chambers and crematoria in any camp, KII, KIII.

Birkenau Panorama of the Camp [ Auschwitz II ]

As you scroll left the SS orderly room on the Ramp comes into view.

Immediately after disembarking from the trains, the Jews, and others, lined up in two columns: women and children in one, and men in the other.

Next, SS physicians separate the strong and healthy people from the elderly, the sick, pregnant women, and children.

Those fit for labor are sent to the camp. The others, usually 70-75% of each transport,  sent to their deaths in the gas chambers.

All photos and videos are Copyright Alan Jacobs and

More Virtual Tour of Auschwitz